
Goals of MCOA

  1. To play an advocacy role for legislations and the formulation of appropriate policies for the well-being and benefits of older persons;
  2. To provide a strong, collective and united voice to government and related agencies on all matters related to older persons;
  3. To support member organisations on their respective roles and functions in relation to older persons;
  4. To promote and facilitate partnerships, pooling of resources and networking among individuals and various organizations in all sectors of society for the accomplishment of its mission;
  5. To facilitate and participate in developing databases of resources, facilities and services for the older persons.

Principles upon which MCOA was created

  1. We value the contribution of people from various backgrounds, including social enterprises from all parts of the country and from various professions, as we are all united in our efforts to promote active and productive ageing;
  2. We value flexibility, commitment and accountability in MCOA and avoid complex bureaucracies that might create barriers to accomplish our purposes;
  3. We value participation, cooperation and seek consensus, where possible, to resolve issues;
  4. We value and encourage opinions from all constituencies since diversity of opinion can foster more creative and effective solution;
  5. We value collaborative efforts and people-oriented actions toward the accomplishment of our mission.


Goals of MCOA

  1. To play an advocacy role for legislations and the formulation of appropriate policies for the well-being and benefits of older persons;
  2. To provide a strong, collective and united voice to government and related agencies on all matters related to older persons;
  3. To support member organisations on their respective roles and functions in relation to older persons;
  4. To promote and facilitate partnerships, pooling of resources and networking among individuals and various organizations in all sectors of society for the accomplishment of its mission;
  5. To facilitate and participate in developing databases of resources, facilities and services for the older persons.

Principles upon which MCOA was created

  1. We value the contribution of people from various backgrounds, including social enterprises from all parts of the country and from various professions, as we are all united in our efforts to promote active and productive ageing;
  2. We value flexibility, commitment and accountability in MCOA and avoid complex bureaucracies that might create barriers to accomplish our purposes;
  3. We value participation, cooperation and seek consensus, where possible, to resolve issues;
  4. We value and encourage opinions from all constituencies since diversity of opinion can foster more creative and effective solution;
  5. We value collaborative efforts and people-oriented actions toward the accomplishment of our mission.